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Chinese Body Point Stimulations to Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension is very common, that needs a lifelong management once diagnosed. All adults should know their blood pressure; regular monitoring can reduce the risk of having heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and blood vessel problems. Though antihypertensive medications and lifestyle changes are effective to bring down the blood pressure, some natural remedies help control the blood pressure more efficiently.

The skin is the largest organ of the body, which acts as the first line of defense against germ attacks and injuries. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there are collaterals of the twelve meridians run through the body surface, on which locate many tiny areas (known as acupoints) for qi (vital energy) spreading and gathering. Stimulating these superficial points can regulate the activities of the meridians and communicate with the internal organs, and thus enhancing bodily functioning. Some TCM therapies like cupping, moxibution, needle tapping and scraping are based on this principle. Below are the TCM therapies for hypertension:

Cupping Therapy to Lower Blood Pressure

The therapy consists of creating a vacuum by burning a taper inside a jar and quickly placing it over the selected area, which aims to induce local congestion and blood stasis for healing. TCM believes the resulting suction effect helps draw out pathogens, smooth the blood and qi flows, and activate the meridians, body functions can therefore be enhanced.

Cups in different sizes Needling in combination with cupping
Cups in different sizes Needling in combination with cupping

Protocol A to lower blood pressure
Major point: qu chi (Li 11), feng men (Bl 12), and zu san li (St 36).
Select assistant points according to individual conditions:

1. Blazing liver fire: tai yang (Ex-Hn 5), xin she (Ex-Hn21), and yang ling quan (Gb 34);
2. Yin deficient and yang hyperactive: gan shu (Bl 18), shen shu (Bl 23), san yin jiao (Sp 6), and tai chong (Lr 3)
3. Kidney essence depletion: xue hai (Sp 10), guan yuan (Cv 4), yin ling quan (Sp 9), tai xi (Ki 3), fu liu (Ki 7)

Each time, retain the cups for 15〜20 minutes, do this every day or every two days, ten times as one course.

Protocol B to lower blood pressure
Locate the point: da zhui (Gv 14), insert a needle to get qi sensation, then cover it with a cup immediately, and retain for 20 minutes. There may be blood leaking out from the needle inserting place, which is regarded as a normal phenomenon. Do this every two day, 10 times as one course.

Cupping therapy is NOT suitable for individuals with high fever, generalized spasms, skin allergic or ulcers and those who bleed easily.

1. Cupping locations for hypertension
1. Cupping locations for hypertension

2. Cupping locations for hypertension
2. Cupping locations for hypertension

3. Cupping locations for hypertension
3. Cupping locations for hypertension