Home > Lifestyles > TCM's role in health maintenance and promotion > Hypertension Management by Chinese Medicine > Phlegm and dampness accumulation

Adding Chinese Food Remedies to Your Diet to Lower Blood Pressure

Phlegm and dampness accumulation

Manifestations: hypertension, sometimes there may be dizziness, headache, distending and heaviness feelings in the head, fatigue, sleepiness, chest and abdominal stuffiness, nausea, low appetite, loose bowels and an incomplete feeling after defecation. On examination, the tongue body is bulky with thick greasy coating, and the pulse is taut and rolling.

TCM dietary suggestions: dry dampness, eliminate phlegm, invigorate spleen and harmonize stomach

This type of hypertension should eat more foods that help enhance fluid dissemination inside the body, such as rice bean, hyacinth bean, broad bean, peanut, coix seed, loquat fruit, clams, preserved jellyfish, laver, kelp, Chinese radish, olive, tangerine, mustard, onion, wax gourd, watermelon, cabbage, water chestnut, bamboo
shoot, ginkgo nut, and red date. It is especially important to keep a light and healthy diet, and avoid eating too full.

Wax gourd Hairy gourd, coix seed and dried mussel Bamboo shoots
Wax gourd
Hairy gourd, coix seed and dried mussel
Bamboo shoots

Corn silk and clam soup


Corn silk (100g), clam flesh (250g), ginger (30g) and green onion (20g)

Preparing method

Bring to a boil of 1000ml of water, add in some ginger slices and wine, then put in the clam flesh and blanch to eliminate the fishy smell; put all the ingredients in a double steam container, fill in 200ml of water; steam under high heat for about 1 hour, then season to taste. Serve warm, eat the clam and drink the soup

Health benefits

The recipe clears liver heat, induces urination, and promotes defecation, which are suitable for hypertension, nephritis, diabetes and yellowish skin

Wax gourd and fish soup


Wax gourd (250-500g), grass carp (250g, the tail part), dried tangerine peel (10g), ginger (30g), and green onion (30g)

Preparing method

Chop the wax gourd in big pieces; marinate the fish with salt and wine, ginger strips, pan fry both sides of the fish to lightly golden brown; bring to a boil of 1000ml water in a saucepan, add in all the ingredients, cook for about 30 minutes (or when the soup color is milky white and the wax gourd are tendered), then season to taste. Serve in warm

Health benefits

Wax gourd helps clear heat and promote urination; grass carp harmonizes stomach and soothes liver; the soup is beneficial to high blood pressure and lipids individuals

Hairy gourd, coix seed and mussel soup


Hairy gourd (150g), coix seed (30g), dried mussel (25g), dried tangerine peel (10g), ginger (30g), and green onion (30g)

Preparing method

Wash the ingredients, cut the hairy gourd and tangerine peel in stripes, cut the ginger and green onion in proper section; put all the ingredients in a saucepan, cook with 800ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes, then season with salt, pepper and sesame oil to taste

Health benefits

The soup clears body heat, promotes urination, stimulates appetite and enhances digestion, which help lower blood pressure and lipids

Kelp and sweet corn porridge


Fresh kelp (30g), whole kernel corn (30g) and rice (30g)

Preparing method

Cut the kelp in fine stripes; put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook with 1000ml of water, bring to a boil first, then simmer until it turns thick. Serve warm in the morning or evening

Health benefits

Kelp can soften the blood vessels; corn induces urination, and prevents fatty tissues accumulation; rice promotes digestion and harmonizes stomach

Bamboo shoot salad


Baby cucumber(200g), fresh bamboo shoot (300g), black fungus (10g), ginger (10g), garlic (4 cloves) and onion (30g)

Preparing method

Soak through and wash the black fungus, cut into small pieces; peel and cut the bamboo shoot in fine pieces; crush the cucumber lightly and cut into chunks; slice the ginger and onion; blanch the black fungus and bamboo shoot for 3 minutes in boiling water, then drain and mix with other ingredients in a big bowl, season with salt, sesame oil, sugar and rice vinegar to taste

Health benefits

This salad induces urination, dissolves fatty tissues and promotes digestion