One of the characteristics of menopause is that symptoms tend to come and go, once a problem goes, another comes to take its place. Normally, menopause begins when a woman is in her 40s and it will last until the age of 60. Depending on overall health, diet and lifestyle, the whole transitional period can take 20 years to finish. The lingering nature of menopause is partly due to inadequate long-term management. Chinese patent remedies provide general tonifying effects for a woman's health; they promote internal harmony and empower the body to respond to stresses occurring at this time. They can also reduce some of the long-term health risks after menopause such as osteoporosis or heart disease.
The six ingredients in Rehmannia Pill |
Many of the patent remedies are made from classic formulas that handed down for generations and are marketed under the name of the original formula. Since they are relatively low in cost and readily available, TCM physicians like to prescribe them as long-term treatment options. Below are some of the popular ones.
Chinese Name |
六味地黃丸 |
Pinyin |
liu wei di huang wan |
English name |
Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia |
Actions |
Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney yin deficiency |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Dizziness, ear ringing, mild hot flashes, sweating, back soreness, hot sensations in the palms and soles, prolonged or heavy menses flow, yellowish urine, mouth dryness and constipation. |
Contraindications |
Aversion to cold, puffiness, stomach upset and loose bowels |
Chinese Name |
杞菊地黃丸 |
Pinyin |
qi ju di huang wan |
English name |
Rehmannia Pills Plus Wolfberry and Chrysanthemum |
Actions |
Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney and liver deficiencies |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Blurred vision, eye dryness or soreness or watery eyes, ear ringing, dizziness, irritability, depression, poor memory, hot flashes, night sweating and back soreness |
Contraindications |
Aversion to cold, puffiness, stomach upset and loose bowels |
Chinese Name |
知柏地黃丸 |
Pinyin |
zhi bo di huang wan |
English name |
Rehmannia Pills Plus Anemarrhena and Cypress Bark |
Actions |
Relieves menopause symptoms due to yin deficiency and virtual fire |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Hot flashes, night sweating, red faced, hot sensations in the chest, palms and soles, irritability, anxiety, mouth dryness or gums swelling, unstable blood pressure, dream-disturbed sleep, urinary difficulties and back soreness |
Contraindications |
Aversion to cold, puffiness, stomach upset and loose bowels |
Chinese Name |
麥味地黃丸 |
Pinyin |
mai wei di huang wan |
English name |
Rehmannia Pills Plus Lily-turf tuber and Schisandra |
Actions |
Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney and lung deficiency |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Hot flashes, excessive sweating, dizziness, ear ringing, thirst, mouth dryness, breath shortness or coughing, palpitations, and sleeping difficulties |
Contraindications |
Aversion to cold, puffiness, stomach upset and loose bowels |
Chinese Name |
金匱腎氣丸 |
Pinyin |
jin kui shen qi wan |
English name |
Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Chamber |
Actions |
Relieves menopause symptoms due to kidney yang deficiency and essence depletion |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Lassitude, limb coldness, lower back pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, abdominal distention, loose bowels, poor appetite, puffiness, excessive thin vaginal discharge or heavy menses |
Contraindications |
Individuals with hot flashes should be used in caution. |
Chinese Name |
消遙散 |
Pinyin |
Shao yao wan |
English name |
Free and Easy Wanderer Pill |
Actions |
Soothes the liver and tonifies the spleen so as to nourish the blood and regulate sex organs |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Anxiety, depression, easily angered, lassitude, body weakness, headache, blurred vision, chest tightness, breast tenderness, insomnia and menstrual irregularities |
Chinese Name |
天王補心丹 |
Pinyin |
tian wang bu xin dan |
English name |
Heaven King Heart-Nourish Pellets |
Actions |
Nourishing heart, calming spirit, clearing heat and enriching yin |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Palpitations, insomnia, mental fatigue, irritability, poor memory, and dry stools |
Chinese Name |
甘麥大棗湯 |
Pinyin |
gan mai da cao tang |
English name |
Liquorice, Wheat & Jujube Decoction |
Actions |
Nourishing heart and calming the spirit |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Mood swings, absentmindedness, excessive weeping or sadness, irritability, unease mind, poor sleep and frequent yawning |
Chinese Name |
人參歸脾丸 |
Pinyin |
ren seng gui pi wan |
English name |
Ginseng Spleen-restoring Bolus |
Actions |
Invigorating the spleen and heart |
Indicated symptoms pattern |
Insomnia, palpitations, poor appetite, fatigue, sallow face, anemia, heavy menses and excessive vaginal discharge |
In addition to being available as pills, these patent remedies can also be found as soft extracts, capsules, powders, syrups, tablets or granules. Find a reputable brand and carefully read the label before buying any drug.