主頁 > 保健專題 > 過敏性鼻炎
 定義 |病因 |症狀 |診斷 |治療 |預防 |參考
過敏性鼻炎 : 參考



1. Chapel HM, Haeney MR, Misbath A, et al. Essentials of Clinical Immunology , 4th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1999: 224-5.
2. Crompton GK, Haslett C. Diseases of the respiratory system. In: Edwards CRW, Boucher IAD, Haslett C, et al, eds. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine , 17th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1995:393.
3. Rusznak C, Davies RJ. ABC of allergies. British Medical Journal 1998;316:686-9.

Chinese Medicine References:

1. 陳國豐主編, 幹氏耳鼻咽喉口腔科學, 江蘇科技出版社 1999:183.
Chen Guo-feng, ed. Gan's E.N.T. Stomatology . Jiang Su Science and Technology Publishing Co Ltd, 1999:183.
2 王敏玉, 疏風活血沖劑治療過敏性鼻炎315例, 浙江中醫雜誌 1992;27(7):310.
Wang min-yu. 315 allergic rhinitis clinical cases treated by infusion for evacuating wind evils and promoting blood circulation. Zhejiang Chinese Medicine Journal 1992;27(7):310.
3 吳成山, 過敏性鼻炎以痰飲論治初探, 陝西中醫 1996;17(12):544-5.
Wu Cheng-shan. Exploring allergic rhinitis in treating phlegm and dampness evils. Shan Xi Chinese Medicine 1996;17(12):544-5.
4 張恩勤等, 中醫臨床各科, 上海中醫學院出版社 1990:7.
Zhang En-qin. Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine . Publishing House of Shanghai College of TCM, 1990:7.
Written By:
Western Medicine:
Dr Lily Holman MB MSc PhD
Senior Lecturer, Middlesex University, London, UK.
Chinese Medicine :
Dang Yi (黨毅) MD PhD
Professor, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine; Visiting Professor, Middlesex University,
London, UK; Vice Director, Gourmet Food Institute of Health Care and Nutrition of Beijing,
Rose Tse, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.
Angela Collingwood, MSN Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.
Carol Dyer BPharm MRPharmS, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.
Rose Tse, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.