3. Leg Yang Ming Stomach Meridian
The Stomach Meridian starts from the end of the Large Intestine Meridian at the side of the nose, and passes through the inner corner of the eye to emerge from the lower part of the eye. Going downwards, it enters the upper gum and curves around the lips and lower jaw. It then turns upwards, passing in front of the ear, until it reaches the corner of the forehead where it splits into an internal and external branch. The internal branch emerges from the lower jaw, running downwards until it reaches its pertaining organ, the stomach. The external branch crosses the neck, chest, abdomen and groin where it goes further downward along the front of the thigh and the lower leg, until it reaches the top of the foot. Finally, it terminates at the lateral side of the tip of second toe. Another branch emerges from the top of the foot and ends at the big toe to connect with the Spleen Meridian.
Stomach Meridian disorders have symptoms of stomachache, rapid digestion, hunger, nausea and vomiting, or thirst. Other symptoms that relate to disorders along the meridian pathway include abdominal distension, ascites (a fluid build up in the abdomen), sore throat, nosebleeds, or pain in the chest or knee.
Main indications: Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for certain gastro enteric diseases, toothaches and mental illnesses. Conditions that affect areas through which the meridian passes such as the head, face, eyes, nose and mouth can also benefit from stimulation of the acupuncture points along this meridian.