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Title: Remedy to cure varicocelem
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Frank Posted - 27/7/2020 23:36:01
Dear TCM, is there a 100% cure? I am taking girl kola, exercise daily, good diet, ice applied sometimes, vit C 2grs + flavonoids

I hope there is traditional remedy to cure it, since it is just grade 1 maybe it is possible, thanks in Advance

UD Posted - 18/11/2020 9:30:53
If the heat from the outside enters the blood, or if there is yin deficiency in the body, blood heat will generally occur. the [url="http://www.udianinfo.com"]udianinfo[/url] website dedicated to Chinese medicine. There are also discussions between doctors, enthusiasts and patients.
TCM Posted - 3/8/2020 15:59:50
How old are you?
It is reported that about 10-15 out of 100 men have varicocele, usually form during puberty.
Varicocele is an anatomical problem, the veins become enlarged inside the scrotum, due to the valves of veins become dysfunction. This structural defect can only be cured by surgery.

Grade 1 varicocele is harmless, treatment is often not necessary, wearing scrotal support during day time is well enough. TCM physicians may suggest improving the local circulation by blood-regulation remedies.
