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Grace Clever Posted - 1/2/2020 8:41:23
"Lactulose" ¨ÅªG¿} original was used for liver disease, later, it used to treat constipation. From TCM, do you think it is because of the function of the liver can enhance the digestive power of spleen?
TCM Posted - 4/2/2020 14:44:21
Lactulose is mainly used for constipation, meaning it promotes bowel movements.
Lactulose is sometimes used to treat or prevent certain conditions of the brain that are caused by liver failure, which can lead to confusion, problems with memory or thinking, behavior changes, tremors, feeling irritable, sleep problems, loss of coordination, and loss of consciousness. In this way, bowel movements ensure the accumulated metabolic wastes excreting properly, which compensates for part of the damaged liver functions.

In TCM view, regular bowel movements are important for normal brain functioning. When patients occur brain damages, ensuring a smooth gastrointestinal track is one of the major strategies.
