Cinnamon Twig Decoction Source: Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases《傷寒論》
Indications: Fever, headache, chills, sweating, runny nose, nausea and a white moist tongue coating indicates that wind and cold evils have attacked a weakened body. With appropriate modifications, this formula can be used in a wide range of health conditions such as upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, low fever of unknown origin, general aching in postpartum women, morning sickness, allergic rhinitis, rheumatoid arthritis, puffiness or sweating caused by neurovascular disorders, and many skin problems. 適應症:外感風寒表虛証,表現頭痛發熱,汗出惡風,鼻塞流涕,乾嘔不渴,苔白滑。常用於治療上呼吸道感染、流感、不明原因低熱、產後關節疼痛、妊娠嘔吐、神經性水腫、多汗症、過敏性鼻炎、風濕性關節炎以及多種皮膚病。 |