Processed Liquorice Root Decoction Source: Treatise on Cold-induced and Miscellaneous Diseases 《傷寒論》
Indications: blood and qi exhaustions that present with a knotted pulse, palpitations, general weakness, breath shortness, and a dry pale tongue without coating. Or there are dry cough, irritability, insomnia, sweating, mouth dryness, dry stool, scanty and yellowish urine, and rapid and thready pulse. With appropriate modification, modern TCM uses this formula in conditions like abnormal heart beating, heart diseases, hyperthyroidism, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia and atherosclerosis. 適應症:氣虛血少表現脈結代,心悸,消瘦氣短,舌光少苔少津。或虛勞肺症表現乾咳,虛煩失眠,自汗盜汗,咽乾舌燥,大便乾結,小便量少色黃,脈虛數。臨床多用於心律不整、心臟病、甲亢、肺結核、貧血、動脈硬化症。 |