Five Ingredients Powder with Poria Source: Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases《傷寒論》
Indications: The formula treats internal fluid buildup concurrent with an exterior syndrome that manifests with headache, fever, irritability, excessive thirst, urinary difficulty, a white tongue coating and a floating pulse. In severe cases, there may have edema, diarrhea, vomiting, spitting frothy saliva, dizziness, shortness of breath and coughing. With appropriate modifications, modern TCM uses the formula in conditions like edema, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, Meniere's diseases, urinary infections, and functional disorder of the bladder. 適應症:表邪未解,水濕內停,表現發熱,頭痛,煩渴欲飲,小便不利,苔白脈浮。或水腫,泄瀉,小便不利,吐瀉,或吐涎沫,頭眩,氣短,咳嗽。現代用於急慢性腎炎水腫、胃腸炎、肝炎、美尼爾氏病、泌尿道感染、膀胱功能失調等。 |