Restore the Spleen Decoction
(gui pi tang, 歸脾湯 )
Source: Formulary for Succoring the Sick《濟生方》
bai shu |
largehead atractylodes rhizome |
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae |
白朮 |
fu shen |
Indian bread with pine |
Poria with pini |
茯神 |
huang qi |
astragalus root |
Radix Astragali |
黃芪 |
long yan rou |
longan aril |
Arillus Longan |
龍眼肉 |
suan zao ren |
sour jujube seed |
Semen Ziziphi Spinosae |
酸棗仁 |
ren shen |
ginseng |
Radix Ginseng |
人參 |
mu xiang |
costus root |
Radix Aucklandiae |
木香 |
zhi gan cao |
roasted liquorice root |
Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata |
炙甘草 |
dang gui |
angelica root |
Radix Angelicae Sinensis |
當歸 |
yuan zhi |
Chinese senega |
Radix Polygalae |
遠志 |
Indications: Palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia, hot flushes, night sweats, reduced appetite, fatigue, sallow complexion, a pale tongue and the pulse is fine. It may also suitable for abnormal uterine bleeding, short periods with excessive and thin menses, or gastrointestinal bleeding. With appropriate modifications, modern TCM uses the formula in conditions like nervous debility, gastrointestinal ulcer bleeding, functional uterine bleeding, thrombocytopenic or allergic purpura, and anemia (especially for chronic disease) that have the above symptoms.
主治:心脾兩虛,表現心悸,健忘,失眠,盜汗,虛熱,食少,體倦,面色萎黃,舌淡苔薄,脈細緩。另外,脾不統血,表現崩中漏下,月經超前,量多色淡,或淋漓不止,或便血。現代常用於神經衰弱、胃十二指腸潰瘍出血、子宮功能性出血、血小板性紫癜、再生障礙性貧血等,屬心脾兩虛者。 |