Tonify the Middle & Augment the Qi Decoction Source: Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach《脾胃論》
Indications: Qi deficiency of spleen and stomach that lead to intermittent fever, excessive sweating, aversion to cold, headache, thirst that likes to drink warm beverages, shortness of breath, fatigue, general weakness, paleness, loose and watery stools, low appetite, a pale tongue and weak pulse. In serious cases, there may appear prolapse of the anus, stomach or uterus, or chronic diarrhea. 適應症:補氣升陽代表方劑。主治脾胃氣虛,表現有身熱有汗,渴喜溫飲,頭痛惡寒,少氣懶言,體倦肢軟,或飲食無味,面色晄白,脈虛軟無力,舌淡苔薄白。嚴重者,可有脫肛、胃下垂、久瀉久痢等。 |