Pubescent Angelica and Loranthus Decoction Source: Prescriptions Worth their weight in Thousand Gold for Emergencies《千金要方》
Indications: Pain in the back and lower limbs, difficulty in joint movements, numbness or coldness of the limbs, palpitation and breath shortness. This formula is usually used for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic lumbar strain and sciatica. 適應症:痺症表現腰膝疼痛,關節屈伸不利,或麻木不仁,畏寒喜暖,心悸氣短。現多用於風濕性關節炎、腰肌勞損、骨質增生、坐骨神經痛等,屬肝腎兩虛,氣血不足情況。 |