Citrus & Pinellia Decoction Source: Formulary of the Taiping Welfare Dispensary Bureau《太平惠民和劑局方》
Indications: Coughing with copious, white sputum that is easily expectorated, a stuffiness feeling in the chest and fatigue. There may also nausea or vomiting, dizziness and palpitation. The tongue coating looks white and glossy, and the pulse is rolling. With appropriate modifications, modern TCM uses the formula in conditions such as upper respiratory tract infection, chronic bronchitis, goiter, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and Meniere's disease. 主治:濕痰咳嗽,表現痰多色白易咯,胸膈痞悶,噁心嘔吐,肢體困倦,或頭眩心悸,舌苔白潤,脈滑。現代臨床常用本方治療上呼吸道感染、慢性支氣管炎、甲狀腺腫大、慢性胃炎、潰瘍病、美尼爾氏征、神經性嘔吐等,屬痰濕証者。 |